Cultivated by ancient civilizations all across the Americas, the corn plant, or maize, has remained a staple in the human diet and is the most commonly planted crop in the US today. The most planted types of commercially-grown corn, such as field corn and sweet corn, possess long green stalks and the well-known yellow kernels, but there are many other varieties available that vary in color, levels of sweetness, and purpose (e.g., livestock feed versus picnic corn-on-the-cob). For home gardens, we recommend picking a variety that will match your needs, climate, and level of growing expertise.
Sweet Luscious is an extremely popular F1 variety of sweet corn that is believed to be the first organically certified corn hybrid. Thanks to its large ears (about 8″ long), rich yellow and white kernels, and sweet, buttery flavor, this plant is a garden favorite! Plants grow to about 6′ in height on sturdy stalks with ears starting at around the 2′ mark, which makes reaching the ears relatively easy during harvest.
Seed Depth: 1–1.5″
Space Between Plants: 12″
Space Between Rows: 24–36″
Germination Soil Temperature: 50–80°F
Days for Germination: 5–10
Sow Indoors: Not recommended as corn doesn’t transplant well. If you need to start indoors due to a short growing season, plant corn in deep containers or biodegradable pots to limit root disturbance and transplant before plants are 6″ tall.
Sow Outdoors: 1–2 weeks after average last frost date. Some varieties of corn can germinate in temperatures as low as 50°F, but the Sweet Luscious variety will have a much better chance of success if it’s planted in temperatures closer to 60–65°F.
Although not a tropical plant, corn grows best in warm weather and will not tolerate frosts. It requires soil temperatures of over 65°F and long days of sunshine for optimum growth, so corn should be grown in the late spring and summer in most climate zones.
Natural: Full sun.
Artificial: Will grow under high output fluorescent or HID lamps. Needs at least 6 hours of light daily; however, more is preferred.
Soil: Prefers well-drained loamy soil with a high amount of organic matter. A pH of between 6.0 and 7.0 will keep plants healthy and nourished. Generally, the earlier you are planting, the lighter and sandier soil you want. Later crops will prefer a heavier soil.
Soilless: Mixes that contain vermiculite have been show to have better yields with corn than other types of mixes.
Hydroponics: Thrives in hydroponic systems, including media beds, but will need a lot of space.
Aeroponics: Thrives in aeroponic systems, but will need a lot of space.
Water: Requires moderate to high levels of water. Aim for about 1 inch of water per week. Use drip irrigation to prevent water from getting on leaves. Production will be best with consistently moist soils, but avoid overwatering or allowing water to pool at the base of plants. The most important time is the few weeks leading up to the corn’s silk production.
Nutrients: Requires high levels of nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus. Amend soil with cottonseed meal and/or compost before planting. Sidedress with compost, liquid kelp, or fish emulsion when plants are 6″ tall and again when they are knee high.
Foliar: Will benefit from foliar feedings of compost tea.
Mulching: Use mulch to conserve moisture, moderate soil temperature, and keep weeds under control.
COVERING: Protect young plants from light frosts using row covers. In cooler climates, grow corn in dark-colored raised beds or containers to warm the soil.
OTHER: Corn has shallow roots, so take care when weeding not to damage them. Also, hybrid sweet corn should not be allowed to cross pollinate with other types, so for best results, separate varieties by at least 250 feet. You can also time plantings so that different varieties do not bloom at the same time.
DEFICIENCY(S): A nitrogen deficiency will result in slow growth and reduced production.
Rotation: Plant corn after clover, beans, peas, or other nitrogen fixing crops. A 3- or 4-year rotation is recommended.
COMPANIONS: Grows well as a member of the Three Sisters. Avoid tomatoes.
Harvest: Pick ears of corn off their stems carefully and with a slight twist when the silks are beginning to turn brown and dry out and the ear feels plump and full, usually about 3 weeks after silks first appear (earlier if growing in warm weather). You can check the ears by pulling the outer husk back and poking a kernel. Ripe kernels will emit a white milky sap; if underripe, the sap will be clear, and if overripe, it’ll be too creamy. It’s best to harvest in the morning when plants are still cool.
Storage: Keep ears of corn in the refrigerator for up to one week. The earlier you eat it after harvest, the sweeter the kernel will be. If stored too long, sugars convert to starch.
Fun Fact: You know that tassle found at the top of an ear of corn? In addition to giving corn the appearance of having a funky hair-do, it actually tells you how many kernels of corn there are in that ear! Just count them, and you can impress your friends by “guessing” the number of kernels on the cob (that is, if you’re the type to have lots of time on your hands).
Preserve: Corn can be frozen fresh or blanched and frozen for later use. Also try canning fresh kernels using a pressure canner.
Prepare: Sweet corn is a big part of traditional Latin American diets. Commonly paired with beans, the two plants together provide all the necessary amino acids for good health. Add fresh raw kernels to salads and salsas. Boil, grill, or steam and eat straight off the cob for a buttery afternoon snack.
Nutritional: A gluten-free cereal, sweet corn is a good substitute for gluten products for those with celiac disease or a gluten intolerance. Sweet corn is one of the best sources of dietary fibers as 100g can provide 5% of daily fiber. Sweet corn also possesses high levels of ß-carotenes, vitamin A, flavanoids, lutein, xanthins, thiamin, zinc, magnesium, copper, iron, manganese, and ferulic acid.
Medicinal: Ferulic acid is being studied for potentially anti-cancer properties, while flavonoids may prevent lung and oral cavity cancers.
Who says corn needs to stay on the cob? Scrape the kernels off of your cob with a sharp knife and toss into any manner of dishes (See Helpful Links for a quick tutorial on removing kernels). We recommend them on top of a garden fresh salad or in a salsa. Yum!
Sweet Corn Fun Facts
Removing Corn Kernels from the Cob
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