Our mission is to grow

Our main goal is to provide Organic Urban Farming solutions. We are a hub offering resources to educate, support, and execute the cultivation of plants. At our core is sustainable organic gardening and the success of urban farming: planting seeds, growing, harvesting, and sharing. Our team of knowledgeable employees is here to guide our customers and share their passion of gardening and farming. This is the vital essence of who we are: a center to learn, to discover, to enjoy, to share, and to love.

CC GROW’s vision is to inspire everyone to grow their own foods and plants organically, learning sustainability, facilitating education, and creating community.


“Humanity begins by planting a seed”

There is a place like heaven on earth.
There is a space in time that is undoubtedly unshakable in its grandiosity.
There is a connection from it all to our soul purpose.

[accent_font]It is found in nature, in the plants and in our nurturing of them.[/accent_font]

CCGrow is coming to life for that purpose.


“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”

[button url=”http://ccgrow.com/phytotheca/” class=”btn-success” target=”self”]Start Growing[/button]

Three Things


A garden of our own

What a brilliant thing it is to have a piece of land, where we can play in the dirt, turn seed into plants, and create a haven for delicious organic foods.


A non-profit organization

“Grow and Feed.” An organization that turns education into fun, supporting youth and community to be involved and, through learning, take charge and create change.


Spread the message

Little sprouting CC GROW seeds everywhere to give more people the opportunity to build and live the dream.

Our Team

Carole Ly Sing Lao Owner, President

Carole is from Tahiti, where she grew up eating healthy exotic foods. She was graced to live a simple life connected to nature. She is a fairy, as nature is her most powerful medicine and healer. The green luscious environment of her... More

Clark Skocilich Vice President, CEO

Clark has been building gardens, growing veggies, and enjoying fruits off the tree since the age of 8. Contributing to all the chores on his family’s WA property, he learned first and foremost that hard work is easy if you enjoy... More

Cheryl Corsiglia Research and Content Lead

Cheryl relocated to Boulder, Colorado in 2012 because of its healthy and happy reputation and to be closer to the mountains and outdoor recreation opportunities. Her interests include natural building, rock climbing, healthy eating,... More

Berit Nelsen Database & Research Specialist

Berit is an east coast transplant who has been living in Boulder, Colorado since 2010. Berit has dual BSc degrees in Development Sociology and Communications from Cornell University as well as an MA in Social Development and... More